In November 2020 I finally decided to participate in the “Huevember” challenge in which everyday of the month of November you make a picture using a certain color/hue and its values and saturations. Since the first and last hues of the Huevember cycle are both Chartreuse Yellow, which is derived from the French alcoholic beverage supposedly based on an alchemic formula for the elixir of life, I decided the theme of my pictures would be a dragon boi undergoing a series of transformations caused by a Chartreuse-colored elixir. I also wanted this to be an opportunity to practice coloring on the computer so the linework I drew with ink on Bristol board and the colors were done first with GIMP (1 & 2) then later with Krita (9, 12, 19, & 22). Because of my work schedule and the time it took to complete each picture I was only able to do a handful of hues and on the 22nd the pen for my tablet (a 2007 Wacom Bamboo mte-450) started going bad causing me to leave the picture unfinished and ending Huevember sooner than I wanted to. Thus, my dragon boi is stuck as a capricorn for the foreseeable future.